邀請歐洲氣候變遷相關學者來臺參訪與演講:2013年9月13-10月2日Reinhard Klenke來訪
來自德國Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ的學者ReinhardKlenke,為歐盟SCALES project的主要發起人之一,於2013年9月10日抵台,並於國立臺灣大學發表演講,與臺灣研究氣候變遷與環境生態議題之學者進行交流。
Dr. Klenke以”Loss of the Night”- An overview with a special focus on artificial night light and traffic noise impact on European Blackbird為講題,探討都市化所帶來之光害和噪音對鳥類族群分布、遷徙,甚至於演化方向等面向之影響。以”光污染”為主要議題,探討都市化所帶來之”光害”對於鳥類族群、天空和大氣環境造成之衝擊。
來自德國Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ的學者ReinhardKlenke,為歐盟SCALES project的主要發起人之一,於2013年9月10日抵台,並於國立臺灣大學發表演講,與臺灣研究氣候變遷與環境生態議題之學者進行交流。
- Dr. Arnold Reinhard Klenke
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Department of Conservation Biology
- Third party projects, scientific coordination and management
- Broad experience in management and coordination of third party research projects on various levels (e.g. species conservation program for the Eurasian otter, EU-Project FRAP) as well as in interdisciplinary cooperation, particularly with regard to interfaces between biology and other natural sciences like geography, landscape ecology, remote sensing or mathematics.
Dr. Klenke以”Loss of the Night”- An overview with a special focus on artificial night light and traffic noise impact on European Blackbird為講題,探討都市化所帶來之光害和噪音對鳥類族群分布、遷徙,甚至於演化方向等面向之影響。以”光污染”為主要議題,探討都市化所帶來之”光害”對於鳥類族群、天空和大氣環境造成之衝擊。