康仕仲 國立臺灣大學土木工程學系
(本篇轉載自中國武漢理工大學學報) 蔡孟涵、莊世坤 國立臺灣大學氣候天氣災害研究中心 康仕仲 國立臺灣大學土木工程學系 本研究目的在提供視覺化之防災資訊供決策使用。為有效保存災害資訊及促進未來預警/研判之能力,我們收集及匯整臺灣大學氣候天氣災害研究中心過去之專案經驗,並初步加以制定分類架構。除了專案基本資料外,亦包含氣象、水文、水理、土砂等相關資料。以這些資料為基礎,初步的創建一標準資料儲存機制D-Cloud,並確認其完整性。最後並初步以近三年來侵臺之颱風資料為範例,透過Tableau及ChronoZoom平台,以視覺化的方式呈現防災資訊典藏平台,期在未來能提供相同呈現規格及訊息,供氣象人員使用,也希望藉由此一致性及資料互通性,促進防災應變之效率及正確性。 关键词:防災資訊; 視覺化; 呈現; 典藏平台 Abstract This research focuses on visualizing the disaster information for decision-making. To preserve disaster information and promotes future alert/determine ability, we collected and compiled project experiences of Center for Weather Climate and Disaster Research in the last years and established sorting framework initially. In addition to the basic information of the projects, we also included hydro-meteorological, flooding simulation, and sediment-related disaster model et al information. Using these data as the foundation, we established a standard data storage mechanism, the D-Cloud, and confirmed its integrity. Finally, we use the typhoons that stormed Taiwan in the recent three years as examples to test the implementation of visualization on presenting the disaster information archive platform through Tableau and ChronoZoom platform. We hope to provide same specifications and information for the weather personnel to use; we also hope that through the unification and coherence of the information, we could promote the efficiency and accuracy of the contingency plan. Key words: disaster information; visualization; presentation, archive platform
December 2016